Kortreist golf kortreist mat. Vår 9-hulls pitch&putt-bane er kjempepopulær, ikke minst hos bedrifter, og stort sett grønn hele året. Det er en pay&play-bane hvor du ikke trenger grønt kort eller medlemskap i noen golfklubb for å spille. Det eneste kravet er at én person i flighten skal ha papirene i orden. Trenger dere instruktør, ordner vi det. Avstanden på hullene varierer fra 25 til 60 meter. Det brukes bare en køller og en putter, disse leier dere i resepsjonen.

Throughout the season, we arrange several open tournaments. " Bryne Kro Tour ", as our series is called, forms the basis for the selection of the player of the year. "Wednesday golf" is another regular event.


In 2020 we were so lucky to have a visit from Blogger Golf with Bård who has made a feature on his Vlog here



Follow all our activity on Facebook at Bryne Kro Golf

A very popular combination is "snaddergolf" - golf, barbecue and all kinds of refreshments in beautiful union is an excellent offer for companies and teams. Here, both the competitive instinct and the taste buds are stimulated. A social gathering that we definitely recommend!

Contact us for more information and prices by phone 51 77 75 00 or post@brynekro.no